Terms and condition
Payment step 26. It doesn’t display the chosen genre type 27. Added songs (2 songs maximum) is only displayed on custom- This is my mistake: If user chose to add songs (where user enters youtube links) than it should be displayed on the payment step , doesn’t matter which genre was chosen, as the added songs are not linked to genres, they are separate object, sorry for that. Gateway step 28. The pop up message appears about booking confirmed, is wrong as the user still didn’t complete the payment, remove it 29. Missing “By clicking “Book” you confirm the Terms & conditions” ( front spec- page 7, admin spec-page 5) 30. Lower the sentence “By click on “book’ you confirm terms & conditions” one line below Thank you screen- 31. front spec- page 7, admin spec-page 5 32. Front end doesn’t display changes done via admin Admin 33. Coupons-Coupon expiration date oesn’t apply, it accepts expired coupons. 34. Repertoire-The button of limit to 30 seconds creates problem with the mp3 file name ,It’s too long, leave only the first letter of the file 35. Pricing- missing disable button for "add your own song" 36. Bookings-Missing option to sort bookings by "status" 37. Bookings- when clicking on clien't name it doesn't display the chosen songs , when user chooses "custom" (list of songs remain empty) 38. Bookings- when clicking on clien't name it doesn't display remarks 39. Bookings- when clicking on clien't name it doesn't display coupon 40. Bookings- when clicking on clien't name it doesn't display the songs user added (add your own song) 41. Bookings- It doesn’t display number of added songs, also it doesn’t indicate which added songs the user added. 42. Bookings It doesn’t display the chosen songs 43. Bookings It doesn’t display the remarks 44. Bookings It doesn’t display the “name on the invoice” 45. Bookings When editing the booking , it doesn’t update the results 46. Bookings When clicking “view” booking , the wordpress tool bar disappear and there is no way to go back. 47. Bookings -Add confirmation question before deleting a booking (trash) 48. Location of “Terms & conditions” 49. Location of “Cancelation policy” 50. Location of “Thank you page” 51. Auto email system-User didn't receive email notification after making a booking